On June 23rd, 2015, the Progetto Rocca celebrated its 10th anniversary at POLIMI. After a Welcome by Politecnico president Giovanni Azzone and a slide presentation on bringing together engineering and life science by Susan Hockfield –MIT president Emerita–a round table of MIT and Polimi faculty—Luca Daniel, Maria Vittoria Diamanti, Paolo Maffezzoni, Alberto Redaelli and Marco Santambrogio– discussed the collaboration they launched with the Progetto’s support. Gianfelice Rocca, Techint and Assolombarda Group president, concluded by outlining the Progetto’s goals for the near future and announcing the Fondazione Rocca’s renewed support for the next. Looking forward to 5 more years of excellence!
To get an idea of the Progetto’s growth in its first ten years, please watch the video that illustrates its milestones and celebrates its achievements through the words of many of its fellows: http://youtu.be/sZqfwk00LRE